Today's lesson was taught to you with only the teacher talking. How easy was it to follow the instructions? Did you need to ask for help? Would you want all your lessons just to be talking?
A primary teacher's journey into improving her methods of assessment.
Today, 13th February, in I.C.T. we were taught by just speaking. I thought that this lesson was quite hard because all I had to learn with was Mrs Tonner speaking. Just speaking made typing in the correct addresses or clicking the right buttons really difficult. I thought this lesson was again fun but it was also hard.
After all four lessons I now think I'm a person who finds it easier to learn by written instructions, the teacher speaking and the conputer screen. Though I did enjoy learning the different ways.
Today at I.C.T I thought it was quite hard, since we only had Mrs Tonnar talking to us. This, I think was the most challenging of the four ways Mrs Tonnar taught us. Just getting told what to do was pretty hard, but I managed it ok. After all three different lessons, I think that I am a more visual learner, and like having instructions in front of me to look at when needed. Overall it went quite well and found it fun!!!
Todays leason at I.C.T was hard because we had to listen to the teacher,type the address quickly,press the right buttons and keeping up with the class.The rest of the leason was easy.I think I learn well be reading instructions on the papers.I enjoyed todays leason though it was hard.Adris L7S
Today in ICT we had to learn with just Mrs.Tonner speaking to us. I found this quite hard because you has to listen very carefully so you didn't do anything wrong. I thought that this lesson was the hardest out of all four.
I thought the first week was the easiest way cause Mrs.Tonner taught us in all the different ways. I also thought that the second week was quite eays because you coul keep lookig back to the instructions. I found this week the hardest of all. I enjoyed all the ways though and thought that they were fun! :o)
Today at I.C.T I thought the lesson was quite hard but some of it easy. I think some of it was easy because I am use to visulising stuff in my head and the hard bit was because i was at the back of the class and Mrs Tonnor was at the front of the class so it was quite hard for me to listeen to her from the back of the class,for example when she was telling us about how to save the pictures, Mrs Tonnor told us to write kangaroo clipart in the google box(images)i thought she said clickart in stead of clipart so that was probably the hardest bit when i couldnt really understand her but apart from that it was so fun and easy.I think the hardest lesson out of the whole three was probably the last one because Mrs Tonnor said the stuuf out and you just had to go along with what she was saying.
I think that this exersise was not hard but just fine with Mrs tonner speaking and writing the websites on the board.ithink that this weeks lesson was going to be harder because we just have to listen to what Mrs tonner is saying while we type things in to the address bar.
i find that this weeks listen the last lesson was going to be harder than i thought.I prefer to have instructions in front of me so i can then look back.I found the lesson ok but i would stull prefer to have the instructions in front of me.
Rachel b
Today at I.C.T we were taught just with the speakingso you had to type quickly i found this hard but definately not immpossible
At the end of these four lessons i found the writing on board the easiest to follow though i think if i was finding information i probably would be able to find it just surfing the web Richard
I think that the lesson on Tuesday was reasonably hard because you had to listen to the teacher and type the address then remember the links . But I did it and managed it well enough! All four lessons went very well and I did not find them to hard . I am now more flexible when I learn and I can learn with the teacher speaking , the teacher doing it on the projector and reading the instructions . I still prefer reading them though! Andrew
On the 13th February, in ICT we were taught by listening to Mrs Tonner. I found this quite hard as I do not have a very good memory and find it hard to remember more than about two instructions at one time. I successfully completed the task although I would have found it easier if we had been taught by written instructions as I find them easiest to follow.
I really enjoyed learning in different ways as I now know that I find it easiest to use written instructions.
I think Tuesdays lesson was quite hard because we had to listen very hard to Mrs Tonner if we wanted to be successful. After the experience of the different ways of learning I think I definitely easier to learn with written instructions. Although I fond this lesson more difficult I did enjoy the challenge!!
Sorry!! I forgot to write my name!
I thought that last weeks lesson was really hard because Mrs Tonner only told us what to do.
I find it easier to be shown or read what i'm ment to do.
Alex S
This week was the hardest of the four that we have had.The other three weeks weren't as hard because we had a sheet with us.This week was much harder than the others because there were no written instructions given.The only thing thatwe could this week was listen to Mrs.Tonner giving us a load of tasks to complete.Over these past few weeks the work we have done in I.C.T. has really changed my mind about how I would prefer to learn.Now i think i am more of a person who would prefer tohave instructions written for me.Although I would like to be challenged and be given instructions to listen to and none of them written down for me.
Today at i.c.t i thought it was puite hard,since we only had Mrs Tonnar talking to us. This, i think was the most challenging of the four ways Mrs Tonnar taught us.Just getting told what to do was pretty hard, but i managed it ok.After all three different lessons, i found the visual learning the easiestand i think that i am a visual learner,and like having instructions in front of meto look at much more easier .Overall it went quite well and i found it fun.
I found this lesson quite hard because I am more of a visual learner, so I found this hard to follow.
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