Today's lesson was taught to you with the teacher talking and notes on the board. How easy was it to follow the instructions? Did you need to ask for help? Was this the best way for you to learn?
A primary teacher's journey into improving her methods of assessment.
I found the lesson where all of the instructions were written down the easiest to follow by far ! The reason being ,that if and when I got stuck , I could refer back to the sheet of instructions . Personally ,if I was a teacher I would certainly use sheets for directions ! It helps a lot ! Sarah :-]
I found this lesson quite successful. I think that talking showing and pointing things out is the best way to learn. I think this way of learining is better for older ones because you might have to remember some of it.
Ailsa :-)
I found this weeks lesson really easy and extremly easy to understand. I also have learned that the way that I learn the best is by just being told what to do slowly, and getting little notes to help.
This weeks lesson is the one that I think has taught me the most and it was also the one that I enjoyed the most.
I found this weeks lesson really easy and extremly easy to understand. I also have learned that the way that I learn the best is by just being told what to do slowly, and getting little notes to help.
This weeks lesson is the one that I think has taught me the most and it was also the one that I enjoyed the most.
I found this week’s lesson reasonably easy as the notes on the board helped as the information written on the board such as the web addresses and where to click was very helpful
But over all the lesson where we had all there the set of instructions, Mrs Tonner talking and the web page on the whiteboard if I had the choice I would definitely do it this way every week
I found this lesson quite successful even though I thought that Mrs.Tonner reading out the instrutions was very easy I found this lesson not to bad but I have decided that the easiest lesson was the first one. The one where we were making our yahoo account and it was all there infront of us. So I think that I learn best when all the information is there infront of me but I do also find somebody reading the instrutions to me quite easy aswell. Because if the instrutions are in front of me that means I don't have to rememeber them!!! Lucy :P
Today, I found the lesson the best one we have had. This is because I learnt how to successfully import pictures from the internet into my work. I used this to put a picture of a crocodile into my Australian project. I was unsure at first, but when Mrs Tonner repeated the instructions I knew what to do.
I found all four lessons quite easy to understand. However, I don't understand the oral instructions because they are taught quite quickly, therefore I can't always remember the instructions. I found all the lessons interesting and feel the knowledge gained will be useful for my I.C.T. skills in the future.
Todays leson was good with clear instructions and easy steps.This is the best way i find of learning how to use a wikispace.I also think that the sheet was easy but i prefer to be told what to do and found that Mrs.Tonner gave easy to folow instructions and spoke clearly so i could here her talking plus the small reminders on the board were useful.
I found this lesson a little bit tricky. I find tasks like this quite difficult any way and I could have done with a deomonstration too. I got all of the task done . Imade one little mistake and I missheard the instructions and ended up with two pictures instead of one!
I think the easiest lesson was were we got the board, written instructions and got it explained. I found this easiest because you have something to look back to and I feel reasurred because the teacher has done the same thing and it worked for her so it should work for me!
Kerry :-)
L7A :-)
I found this lesson easier today because the instructions were easy to follow. We also got some notes on the board so if you were stuck you could look back at the board for help. That was probably the easiest by far.
I found the easiest lesson and the most sucsessful lesson for me was when you got talked through the lesson and got notes on the board.It would be quiker and easier for me than just listening or listening,reading instructions.
I think todays lesson was quite easy because we were getting told what to do but some instructions were also written on the board. My favourite lesson was the one where we got sheets of paper with the information on it and we had to follow the instructions. I think it was the best because we could go in our own pace as some people do the tasks quite quickly as others can go quite slowly.
Lana =P
I thought the I.C.T lesson about retrieving pictures from the internet was great fun. I found the lesson using the whiteboard much easier than just listening. Having something to refer to made the lesson much more understandable although I still needed to ask for help occasionally. The white board was a useful learning aid and made the lesson more enjoyable for me.
I found the lesson on Tuesday reasonably hard, because it was difficult keeping up with the instructions given out.
I think the best way for a class to learn is for the instructions to be given out on paper, because everyone can go at their own pace.
Callum <:)
I found this weeks lesson the most successful because we were listening and had notes on the board and could refer to them when ever we needed to. If I was a teacher i would definitly teach this way. Kirsty
I thought that the I.C.T was really easy saving the pictures to your file then putting them on your blog.On some of the parts Mrs Tonner went a little bit fast so then i had to catch up by either asking the teacher or asking the person beside me.
All of them were realy quiet easy but some of them were harder then others. I think that the best way to learn is by reading a sheet of insructions because if you get stuck you can refer to the sheet or ask the teacher if your really stuck.
It was quite easy to follow the oral instructions because we also had the blackboard. Although I had to ask a couple of questions, I was able to finish fairly quickly. I think that teachers should make notes on the blackboard more often.
The best way of learning I think is to have oral and visual instructions and the backboard. The visual instructions allow the child to work at their own pace. Oral instructions help it to understand things that you can’t understand strait away with just reading. Notes on the board give quick a reminder to what you are meant to do.
I found this weeks lesson alot easier than last weeks, using notes on the board and Mrs Tonner speaking verbally helped quite alot therfore I didn't really get lost maybe once or twice but then all I had to do was look at the board. I8 believe that the best way of teaching is by giving the students information on paper and speaking to us at the same time is alot easier because if you get lost you can always refer back to the information on the paper along with the teacher guidin you and giving you a few helpul tips.Board work works effectivly aswell but if someone is short sited and forgets their glasses it can spell disaster
sorry the comment above is from Cameron H :}
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