Today's lesson was taught to you using notes, teacher explaining and the whiteboard for demonstrations - the all singing and dancing way. How easy was it to follow the instructions? Did you need to ask for help? Would you want all your lessons taught this way?
i think today's lesson was quite hard using notes and the whiteboard. i did have to aks Mrs.Tonner quite a few times about what we were dooing to keep up.
I found being taught with Mrs. Tonner talking, having a sheet of instructions in front of us as well as the board the easiest way of being taught. Even though I found this method was the easiest, I also thought being taught the other ways quite easy as well and I wouldn't mind which way i had to learn. I think it would be good for us as pupils if the learning method varied. Morven
I found being taught with Mrs. Tonner talking, having a sheet of instructions in front of us as well as the board the easiest way of being taught. Even though I found this method was the easiest, I also thought being taught the other ways quite easy as well and I wouldn't mind which way i had to learn. I think it would be good for us as pupils if the learning method varied. Morven
The lesson today was the most easy of them all. I think that that is my best way of having a lesson. It was good because we had the different steps written out on a piece of paper beside us. You could also glance up at the white board for some things.
At the begining I thought I was good at listing but now I think I am better at seeing the work and having it down on paper too! I think that becauseMrs.Tonner gave us other ways! So in class I would like the teacher to let us see the worjk in any kind of ways but I have to see it!
Thank you Mrs.Tonner for learning us all these ways!
I thought the lesson was quite easy because there was things on the whiteboard such as websites and you also explained it.Ross
I thought it was quite easy in ict last week when mrs tonner gave us a
sheet of paper with instructions on them I still enjoy Mrs Tonner telling it to us orally though
i think the lesson on Monday was very easy because she wrote it on the broad and said it .
I thought that the lesson the easiest using the notes and the whiteboard, but I wouldnt mind doing any of the methods because I find them all quite easy. I definetly found the hardest lesson was the oral lesson because if you forgot anything you wouldnt be able to do anything about it, but a litle practice would not go unharmed. So I think It would be best if we did a variety of different ways of teaching
I thought on Monday the lesson was really easy because there were things on the board and in front of us on paper and Mrs. Tonner was telling us what to do.
I thaught the lesson on monday was very easy because we had all the ways of teachin given to us such as verbal a piece of paper infront of us an getting the work up on the board . Craig
I think the lesson on Monday was reasonably easy as we were given the instructions on a piece of paper and were talkied through them by Mrs. Tonner. I found this quite simple but there are other ways that i prefer to be tought with.
I found the lesson very easy because we had the whiteboard, notes and Mrs Tonner talking. I found it the easiest lesson yet.Tabitha
I found the lesson easy because Mrs Tonner wrote out the instructions down and was speaking as well.Olivia
I found the lesson very very easy because we had a sheet on what we had to do, the things that Mrs. Tonner was writing on the whiteboard and Mrs.Tonner also saying everything that we had to do aswell.I find it easy learning this way but it would be good if we also got a variation of other ways of learning aswell.
Jennifer :)!
Hello Mrs Tonner,
I found the lesson on Monday fine because it was done orally which I find quite easy. I'm not good if you write on the board. I thought that I might have needed some help but I was fine. I used to not find listening to instructions easy but now I'm better with it! hope you have a good weekend!
From Kisrty (St)
I thought having a piece of paper, Mrs Tonner talk and loooking on it on the board was the best lesson out of all of the lessons.
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