Today's lesson was taught to you using only notes and no teacher talking. How easy was it to follow the instructions? Did you need to ask for help? Would you want all your lessons just to be notes?
A primary teacher's journey into improving her methods of assessment.
I thought the lesson was quite had using only bits of paper. I find listening much easier because I pick up more things when somebody says it.
Over all the lessons this year that I've had, it has been good but I prefer doing the work orally rather than doing it from a peice of paper.
Kirsty (St)
I thought the lesson was quite hard because I am not very good at just copying off a piece of paper.I would say I am a better learner by just listening because I am quite good at hearing someone and copying what they say.The lesson I liked most was Mrs. Tonner just talking and some things on the board to help.
I didn't think the lesson was too hard, but I prefer to have Mrs. Tonner talking as well as having a some instructions in front of me. When we had to follow a set of instructions off a sheet of paper, I didn't understand some of it some of it and I couldn't have it explained to me. Aithough I always thought I was a visual learner , the best way to teach me is by using visual and aural methods. Morven
I thought todays lesson was really hard.When we had to look at the the info on the pice of paper on our own I would rather liked it if Mrs.Tonner was saying it at the begining and then I would think it would of been a lot better for me!My fav lesson must of been the ones when you told us what to do and and the number one was really fun too. My worts lesson must of been the one we have just done I found that really hard! Thank you Mrs,Tonner for helpind us understand all the other ways you can work in class! You are a very good ICT teacher.
neI thought the lesson was quite good because you just had to follow the notes and you would be able to get to where you were meant to be with all the images on the paper.I personally think that I am a visual learner.Ross
I found the lesson harder than some of the others because, well, I like the visual method, but it's always reashuring to have someone talkin, just to keep you on the correct track. I think I am a visual and an aural learner.
i thaught the lesson last week wos very easy because the piece of paper we were given had a lot of information whick i was able to fallow. I agree with kirsty that you learn more things from listening . Craig
I found this lesson harder than the others because if you didnt understand something you didnt have any oral backup.The bit I found hardest was inserting and moving the picture of oour animal.The I thought was best was when Mrs Tonner spoke but put some information on the board.
Again I thought this lesson wasn't quite as easy as the others I've had. I like doing things by myself but I do like to have someone there so that I know I'm doing the right thing. When we began I thought I was a visual learner, but now I think that the best way to teach me is using both visual and oral methods.
Vanessa :P
I thought the lesson on monday wasn't that easy and wasn't that hard, but i had to ask questions quite a few times because i found it a little bit confusing. I always like to try different ways of learing though.
I thought the lesson last week was fairly easy but i think i find listening much better than seeing it written down on a peice of paper
I prefer when Mrs Tonner teaches us it orally i find it easyier to listen to her speak rather than reading it.
I thought i was a good listening learner but i now prefer to read off paper like last week and i thought the last lesson was very easy.
I thought I was a visual learner and I have been throughout the series of lessons.This week and last week have been the two easiest lessons out of all the lessons.I have always been a visual learner.
I would always panic if i had to do something just being told and i had always thought i was a visual learner. Over the past couple off weeks I have realised that there isn't really that much to panic about and that it's pretty easy. Although I have found the way we have been tought in the last couple of weeks and lessons quite easy i do still think i am a visual learner.
the lesson was a bit hard because it was just tasks on a bit of paper i still thing i am a visual learner
I thought the lesson was quite hard only using notes because i find the read more difficult and i needed to ask Mrs Tonner more often. I liked the lessons best that Mrs Tonner spoke and used the board.
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