Today's lesson was taught to you with only the teacher talking. How easy was it to follow the instructions? Did you need to ask for help? Would you want all your lessons just to be talking?
A primary teacher's journey into improving her methods of assessment.
Today I thought the lesson the hardest one we had, because it was taught just orally and the instructions were given quite quickly. I couldn't rememer the instuctions for the earlier questions, therefore I didn't know what to do next so I had to put my hand up. After that I found the lesson fairly straight forward, so next week I'll be able to do the work easily. Cameron
I think todays lesson was harder than the rest because we had to listen and we couldn't go back to look at anything to remind ourselfs what to do we just had to remember it from the first time you told us it. I think it got easier nearer the end because the instructions were not as long as they were before and we only got told one instruction at a time.
I found this lesson easier than the reading one but it was still a bit tricky. I did not go wrong once but sometimes it was hard to keep up, and it took a lot longer. some times I forgot the instructions and had to ask Mrs. Tonner just to be sure but I did it sucsessfully.
I thought the lesson was quite hard, especialy trying to remmember every thing and then typing it in.By the time I'd finnished typing one thing I coudn't remmember the rest.I finally completed it but not very well. Over all Ididn't think I did as well as last weeks lesson
I found the lesson harder than the other challenges, because you didn't have that much time to remind youself on what you had to do. You had to listen what the instrutions were then just do it. It was probably one of the hardest ones of them all. I had to put my hand up a couple of times just to make sure i was doing the right thing. Afterwards the lesson was a bit more easier. I think that next lesson it will be a little bit more easier because i will know what to do and work more harder.
On the 6th of February we did a pure listening exercise in I.C.T,
I thought the exercise was going to be easy but much to my surprise it was the one that I found the hardest out of them all.
The thing that made the exercise hard was that I forgot one of the things that I was soppost to do and from there onwards I found it hard to keep up because I had fallen behind.Alex
The lesson we had today I thought was the hardest lesson yet as we only had Mrs Tonner talking and the instructions were given quite quickly I found it harder than previous lessons but not the hardest thing we have ever done in I.C.T but it could have been easier
I thought that the lessson on Tuesday was quite simple because I understand things alot better when people are telling the instrutions
orally. I found the lesson on Tuesday the easiest one yet. So I think I did it quite successfully.
Lucy :)
I think the lesson that we had last week was definatley the hardest because we just gas to listen to you and the instructions were said quite quickly aswell.I struggled on some of the instructions and had to ask my friend what to do next but after that i founf the lesson quite easy and now i know what we are going to do on Tuesday. Natasha
I thought that the ICT lesson two weeks ago was rather easy because we were given all the information we needed. The lesson was very useful and helped me a lot with my learning. The information made it really simple because it was given as three separate pieces of work which I really enjoyed learning about.
I found the lesson on blogging last week difficult to understand at times. When I am listening to a lesson I forget parts of it and this makes it hard for me to make progress. I prefer when instructions are written down so that I have written notes which I can refer to.
I found our i.c.t. lesson quite complicated because Mrs Tonner was only speaking to us . I needed quite a lot of help with the task. I preferred having a booklet of instuctions. Kirsty
I believe that last weeks lesson was easily the hardest and that when information is spoken verbaly I forget some instructions and have to ask for help.It was quite annoying trying to remember everything at once and this led me to be very confused and lost,therfore Idid not get the task completed successfuly.But after Mrs Tonner had shown me the error of my ways I was back on track and I am looking forward to next weeks lesson...
Cameron H :}
oaI thought that the lesson that we had was the hardest of the three lessons that we had.It was hard to remember everything that Mrs.Tonner had said.The instructions were just said to you, I found the instructions harder to follow because they were given to you fairly quickly.The lesson was easier towards the end because the instructions were easier than the ones earlier on in the lesson, also the instructions were shorter and easier to follow at the end of the lesson.
I found this lesson harder than all the rest it was good to be taught in this way because it makes you pay attention. I don't have a good memory so just saying intructions isn't very good for me. Ailsa :)
I found the lesson quite difficult because you were given instructions quite quickly and you could not look at anything for help. So I found that lesson the trikiest
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