Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What way was best?

Last week each class in L7 were taught different ways to find out which style of teaching produces the best results. Group 1 took the whole 40 minutes to complete their lesson which was purely listening. Many children required help due to not remembering steps. Group 2 only took 20 minutes as due to the visual help written on the board. Most help was either reassurance or tecnical issues. Group 3 surprised me as they had no teacher help and purely written instructions. The majority of the children whizzed through this lesson with a few requiring help due to not reading the instructions carefully. Group 4, who had instruction sheets, teacher input and the whiteboard for demonstrations completed the lesson in 10 minutes. Only 2 children required support due to not paying attention or reading the instructions. This reduction in time was very exciting as it highlighted that more could be achieved in a lesson if the correct method of teaching is used.

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